morford on megachurches
here's a real interesting piece of fiction concerning JESUS being found in a closet at a megachurch. when you read it look to the side and read the other posts concerning megachurches. some excellent thoughts.
true in advertising - i am an associate pastor at a church that runs 1,500 in worship each week and thus my church could be accused of some of the same things.
true in advertising - i am an associate pastor at a church that runs 1,500 in worship each week and thus my church could be accused of some of the same things.
When was the first megachurch formed? On the day of Pentecost, when "there were added unto them about three thousand souls" (Acts 2:41).
Anonymous, at Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:32:00 PM
i'm not sure pentecost would be classified as a "megachurch" because we have no indication that all 3,000 formed a single church after the event. in fact, i believe it would be safe to assume that many, if not most, of them did not form a single church in jerusalem because of the fact that they came from may different countries. surely some, if not most, went back home with the gospel in their hearts.
of course, them going back home was part of GOD's plan. he wanted them to spread the gospel from jerusalem, to judea, to samaria, and the outmost parts of the world. in the end GOD used persecution to get the jerusalem church to finally get off their butts and start going out. so maybe if pentecost was the first megachurc (which i doubt) the persecution was the first destruction of a megachurch because they had not followed GOD's will.
robert terrell, at Friday, August 19, 2005 9:39:00 AM
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